Tuesday, March 21, 2006

V for Vendetta

Just saw V for Vendetta, the new film from the Wachowski brothers of Matrix fame. Left the theater with mixed emotions, there are parts of the film that are quite moving and spectacular, but also the film seemed to fall short of the original artistic ambitions. I read the original comic book by Alan Moore a good 15 years ago, sadly the storyline about a totalitarian state seems even more timely today. My suspicions were aroused by the selection of the Stones' "Street Fighting Man" as the film closer...what's up with that?? How many millions of dollars did that licensing deal involve I wonder. Seriously though, it's obvious the Revolution will not be televised and probably not even webcast, too bad the movie wasn't released November 5 (Guy Fawkes Day) as originally planned now THAT would have been exciting.

Wheels keep moving on getting the album completed, as well as new show dates popping up be sure to check the DMZ//38 calendar for the latest updates.

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