Friday, August 19, 2005

Am I Too Eclectic

This homebound, largely solitary lifestyle mixed with the relative novelty of being in the entertainment biz is messing with my psyche. I've read one too many articles this week talking about "proper blogging" style and content, yet I've barely scratched the surface and would rather just have fun venting into cyberspace for the time being. Ditto for self-promotion as an indie artist...hell I never planned on making money from this pursuit, much less be "successful." There's really no point to it if it's not enjoyable and has become a chore. If it were as simple as missing the fundamental binary truths of info-tech work then I'd be more thrilled with working again...yet I'm not.

Seems like I've been here before, one difference is more comfort with the concept of being at peace with past, present and future all at once.

1 comment:

PetesRhymesLife said...

D, if everyone's musings and insights fit into some narrow preconception of "proper blogging," why would we bother to browse? You have a historical perspective that involves consistent action, and you're on the cusp of a new dawn. Any reflections you wish to share from that make for worthy reading, keep on...